SFC Certification

At Brightwater Engineering, our commitment to excellence extends beyond innovation and engineering expertise. We proudly hold  Steel Fabrication Certification (SFC) to CC3 level, an industry-led quality assurance qualification that sets us apart in the world of structural steelwork.

What Sets SFC & Brightwater Apart

SFC is not just a certification; we pledge to uphold international best practices. It ensures that our fabricators have not only the right personnel but also robust quality management systems in place, reflecting the highest industry standards.

In a construction landscape where self-inspection and self-certification are the norm, SFC stands out by providing independent, expert certification for New Zealand fabrication companies. This adds an extra layer of credibility and assurance to our locally fabricated steel.

Brightwater Engineering is proud to be part of the SFC scheme, a pivotal initiative based on the European system integrated into the CE-marking regulatory environment. This elevates the bar for industry standards, making a significant difference in ensuring the highest quality of locally fabricated steel.

SFC not only differentiates locally fabricated steel from imported products but also provides procurers and specifiers, including engineers, architects, and contractors, with the assurance of unparalleled product quality and a substantial reduction in compliance risk.